Friday, February 13, 2015

Judging When to Plant

Garden area. We have had more than two feet of new snow since this photo was taken.

Spring  garden season seems a long way away when I look outside.
Traditionally, planting  around here begins May 31 for the summer crops. Thats the average date of the last frost.   
A better tool for judging when to plant is the soil temperature.  Soil temps are much more important than air temperatures when it comes to putting seeds in the ground.
I was introduced to a great online tool for determining soil temperatures.  This map will give the soil temperature for your area, and even provide a weekly forecast. Check it out!

soil maps

Following are some common vegetable, and the minimum soil temperature at which you  can plant.

chart of optimum soil temperatures

This chart shows at what temperatures you can plant various common vegetables, and a "practical" temperature at which you can expect reasonably good germination, if not  perfect.

Right now, as I type this, our soil temperature, at least aveeage for this region, is between 15-20. I dont think I will be planting anything directly outside for quite awhile.

If you want to get an exact reading on your soil, a soil thermometer can give you a reading.
soil thermometer
 Seems to be a meat thermometer will do a good enough job And I already have one of those.

Chicken update.  she seems to be fine.

WEATHER:cold, cold cold! Sunny and minus 3 this morning. We are due to get another big storm tomorrow, with windchills in the double negative.

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