Somebody is making himself very comfy in my chair. I sit in the pen with them several times during the day, especially for Waldo who is so very shy and skittish., unless ot involves sittong in my chair apparently. |
So, today was moving day for the chickens. The demolition of the old shed starts next week, so we had to get them out of the way of the bulldozer. With my bum knee, it is hard for me to be of much help with moving the chicken tractor. It is heavy, but two people can move it fairly easily, if both of them are fit. But I am really limited right now, so steve figured out a way to move it.
First, we dismantled the fence. Most of the chickens stayed inside the boundries, even though the fence was down. Kinda funny. |
Steve picked up the chicken tractor, and placed it over the trailer hitch on the John Deere lawn tractor. Then he simply drove over to the new spot. I love that lawn tractor! |
Here is the chicken tractor almost in place. The geese are supervising. They are funny critters-anytime something is going on, they have to come check it out. Angus'voice is starting to change... there are occasional honks mixed in with baby peeps. So funny... |
Setting up the new electric fence perimeter. We have had some bear issues, so the electric fence is a much needed security. For this move, we just let the hens out to free range while we moved the coop, figuring they would come running when we called them for dinner feeding time. It worked out just fine. There were a couple of stragglers, but they were easily rounded up. Chickens want to be with their flock, so anybody left outiside the fence was pretty anxious to get in. |
So everything went smoothly with the first big move of the chicken tractor. With heavy equipment coming in, they will be staying here out of the way, for a good while. I am excited about building the new barn... we are still working on the plans.
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